It is important to keep websites user friendly and not intrusive. That is why coalition for better ads standards was created. The goal is to get rid of least preferred ad experiences for desktop web and mobile web.
Why should you be aware of this as a website/blog owner? If you decide to not follow the rules Chrome will remove all ads from sites that have a “failing” status in the Ad Experience Report for more than 30 days.
To get started have a look at the video (below) that explains most of it very well.
Not allowed ad types
Let’s first look at the ads that are not allowed. It is obvious that these are intrusive and users might just choose to use ad block instead of seeing popups all over the website. Generally on desktop pop-up ads and large sticky ads are a no no. On Mobile the density of the advertisements should not be more than 30% against content.

To check your website or blog run it through the Ad Experience Report you can check both the Desktop ads and Mobile ads. Once the review is over, Google will suggest what needs to be fixed and show examples of where they found the ad and how it is intrusive.
Allowed ad types
So what can you do, for example: how to create a sticky that is accepted by the better ads standards? As the image below shows for Desktop, large images on top, skinny ads on the right and static inline ads are allowed on the desktop (of course including all of the normal banners you might already have). We suggest to run sidebar stickies only when there is enough content, otherwise just use normal banners.

We all know that sticky mobile ads generate great revenue because of their View-ability % (tracks only impressions that can actually be seen by users). Therefore resulting in higher eCPM (revenue per 1000 impressions) and CTR (click through rate).
Small sticky banners are allowed both on top and bottom of the page.
What else?
If you still have doubts then you should know. The program’s online register of certified companies helps advertising partners identify publishers who apply the standards. Certified websites will not have ads on their sites filtered based on the standards by browsers that participate in the program. If a blog or a website does not follow these rules it could be loosing a lot of potential revenue.
You should also have a look at what ad sizes would actually generate the best revenue for your website/blog for each desktop and mobile devices.